About Us

About Us


ATLAS TOBACCO; In 2020, in Akdeniz/Mersin, it has determined its establishment purpose in order to bring innovation and dynamism to the global tobacco products industry, to support the country's tobacco agriculture economy and tobacco growers, to provide services that exceed the quality barriers to its customers with a different and creative perspective, domestic and national capital is the leading company established with.

ATLAS TOBACCO; It aims to be one of the largest establishments in the region on sectoral basis by providing investment and employment to the tobacco products industry.

It is determined to raise the bar with years of experience by achieving a settled market share and a certain customer potential in the domestic and foreign markets.

ATLAS TOBACCO aims to be the preferred and export center in the sector. Our products; It has established a communication network in order to brand it globally, to provide brand awareness and to add value to the country's exports.

Our experienced and expert staff have determined their targets to produce by using the latest technology by choosing among high quality tobaccos in response to marketing demands.

ATLAS TOBACCO, which attaches importance to the quality demands of its customers by adopting the philosophy of perfection through continuous research and development in accordance with quality management norms, offers art in appealing to the taste of consumers.


Expert approach, time and experience management, transparency, sustainability, dynamism and creative perspective of ATLAS TOBACCO team, continuous research and development, instilling trust, corporate identity and corporate culture adoption strategies have formed the basis for ATLAS TOBACCO mission.

As ATLAS TOBACCO family, as we have stated in the basic principles of our mission, without compromising our principles, with our talented and experienced staff, against all our corporate and individual customers we serve;

To stand behind our promise until the end,

To comply with ethical rules,

Being customer focused,

No discrimination regarding service standards,

Providing unlimited support in sharing information and technology,

To share explanatory and clear to our customers and solution partners,

Respecting the trade secrets of our customers and solution partners we communicate with,

Never compromise corporate understanding in customer communication and service quality,

To maximize the benefit cost curve of both our company and our customers,

Providing added value to the country's exports and economy ...

As ATLAS TOBACCO company, which was established in 2020, we follow an unusual path together with all our employees ...